Scent Experience for the Hospitality Industry

When guests walk into your hospitality business, their sense of smell is as important as sight and sound. The right aromas can entice customers, making your business seem valuable and worth the price of a visit. Some scents can energize you, while others can evoke emotions like joy and sadness.

Geurbeleving voor de horeca experience for the hospitality industry is a fast-growing field that many hotels have embraced to create a connection with their customers and foster brand loyalty. By strategically choosing and deploying aromas that align with the hotel’s customer experience goals, hotels can subliminally link themselves to positive memories from a traveler’s trip.

“Scent Experience for the Hospitality Industry: A Competitive Edge

For example, the outdoor adventure-focused Outbound Hotels utilizes a signature scent blending refreshing eucalyptus and mint with upbeat music to create an atmosphere that’s in line with the brand’s outdoorsy mission. This theme is carried into the guest room through the use of scent diffusers, as well as in their retail products, including signature scent-infused lotion and soap.

A qualified aroma marketing provider can help your hospitality business select the right fragrances for your customer experience. For instance, citrus scents can energise you while vanilla can evoke feelings of warmth and comfort. A qualified provider can also offer thematic scenting to connect your hospitality venue with specific events, seasons or promotions.

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