How to prevent lead generation fraud techniques can be a major pain point for lead generation programs. Not only do they derail sales quotas, but they also cost businesses potential revenue by limiting the amount of time that a sales team can spend nurturing leads with real interest in your product.
There are several types of fraud that can negatively impact lead gen campaigns. These include bots, device spoofing, and fraudulent form completions. Bots are automated software programs that can mimic human behavior and submit multiple forms in a short period of time. They can also scrape personal information from social media and other sources, then insert it into a submission field to increase the number of leads credited to them. Fraudsters can also spoof the IP address on their devices to appear as many different users.
Detecting Browser Spoofing with Device Fingerprinting
The good news is that there are a few simple ways to prevent these common lead generation fraud techniques. These include keeping a close eye on marketing metrics and detecting patterns that indicate fraudulent activity. If a rate of conversions drops suddenly and is not explained by other factors, this may be an indication that your leads are fake.
Additionally, it’s important to add as many qualifying fields as possible on your lead capture form. This can help weed out fake users by asking them to provide a full name, email address, phone number, street address, etc. In addition, you can use open-ended questions such as “How can we help?” to encourage genuine user engagement and increase the quality of your leads.