HVAC Summerville SC – Is It a Local Company?
HVAC Summerville SC is an HVAC company located in Summerville, SC. The company was started in 1969 by Richard T. Duke. He went on to develop and sell residential, commercial and industrial HVAC equipment.
AC Repair, Installation & Maintenance
A common misconception for most HVAC Summerville SC customers is that because the company is located in Summerville, this means they are considered a local business. This is far from the truth as most companies do not just operate out of their own home state, but rather frequently have out of state sales and service branches. The difference between a Company and Sales Company though is that a Company has formal business practices, accounting procedures, and ownership structure whereas most HVAC Summerville SC companies are owned by independent or foreign investors with no formal business background.
While most HVAC Summerville SC companies do not specialize in any one type of service, some do offer certain products or services. HVAC Summerville SC companies can be found listed on the Internet by typing “HVAC Summerville SC” into the search engine. Most of the online distributors have detailed information about the equipment they carry, warranties, and customer testimonials. These types of companies do not require a large investment up front, and most of them do not require yearly maintenance or service contracts. Because of this, HVAC Summerville SC companies are excellent choices for new businesses, rental companies, and large industrial companies looking for reliable HVAC equipment leasing services.